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COMMONWEALTH BLOG - Issues, Insights, & Innovation
Aug 2, 2019
Nature crisis: Humans 'threaten 1m species with extinction'
On land, in the seas, in the sky, the devastating impact of humans on nature is laid bare in a compelling UN report. From the bees that...
Jul 28, 2019
The world can be fatally wounded by negligence in the next 18 months.
One of the understated headlines in last year's IPCC report was that global emissions of carbon dioxide must peak by 2020 in order to...
New Scientist
Jul 21, 2019
Antarctic sea ice is declining dramatically and we don’t know why.
Decades of expanding sea ice in Antarctica have been wiped out by three years of sudden and dramatic declines, leaving scientist puzzled...
Apr 20, 2019
The Commonwealth #BlueCharter
The Commonwealth #BlueCharter is an agreement by all 53 #Commonwealth countries to actively co-operate to solve ocean-related problems...
Mar 16, 2019
On Wednesday 20th March The Duke of Sussex will join schoolchildren from @stvincentsacton as they take part in a tree planting project in...
Feb 26, 2019
Supporting small states
Small states remain vulnerable to external shocks as a result of their geographic positioning. Our work puts a special lens on...
New York times
Jan 19, 2019
Ocean warming is accelerating faster than thought.
Scientists say the world’s oceans are warming far more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate...
RCS Ottawa
Jan 15, 2019
A Swiss start up will turn carbon dioxide into stone.
If the world is to keep global average temperatures from rising by more than 1.5°C or 2°C it will need to suck carbon dioxide emissions...
Dec 7, 2018
New #Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion country
Efforts to protect the #ocean have received a major boost with the announcement that Seychelles will lead a Commonwealth #BlueCharter...
RCS Ottawa
Dec 3, 2018
IPCC Report on Climate Change
“Governments agreed on the 1.5°C goal in Paris in 2015 and knew exactly—and without any further IPCC assessment—that this would mean...
Oct 20, 2018
#Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub
The #Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub (#CommonwealthCFAH) assists member countries untangle the red tape around climate...
Oct 12, 2018
The #IPCCReport is clear
The #IPCCReport is clear: action must be taken to limit the impact of climate change. We believe that today’s youth can rise to this...
Apr 9, 2018
The Queen's Green Planet
The Queen's Green Planet | ITV | Monday 16th April 9pm Full Story #leadership #women #climate
RCS Ottawa
Apr 3, 2018
'The Queen's Green Planet'
To mark the documentary 'The Queen's Green Planet', which features The Queen & David Attenborough discussing the @QueensCanopy, a special...
RCS Ottawa
Mar 21, 2018
Happy International Forest Day! #IntlForestDay
In 2015 The Queen launched the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy, a project that will create & protect areas of indigenous forest across all 53...
RCS Ottawa
Aug 17, 2017
The Caribbean Is At High Risk
THE ENTIRE Caribbean way of life is under threat if the region does not get to grips with climate change, according to a leading expert...
RCS Ottawa
Jun 4, 2017
The Ocean Conference
The Commonwealth includes most of the world’s small island developing states as well as many other coastal nations who depend on the...
RCS Ottawa
Jun 4, 2017
A Blue Commonwealth: high-level roundtable at The Ocean Conference
The Government of the Republic of Seychelles and the Commonwealth Secretariat will host a high-level roundtable at the UN Ocean...
RCS Ottawa
May 23, 2017
On front line of climate change as Maldives fights rising seas
White sand circles picked out by the sun in sparkling blue seas are the first signs that my plane has arrived at the Maldives, a tropical...
RCS Ottawa
May 16, 2017
Commonwealth Blue Economy Series
The marine environment provides valuable economic, social and cultural resources, which can contribute to the sustainable economic...
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