The call for applications to the Commonwealth Youth Council Committees is now open. These various committees are open to Commonwealth citizens ages 18-29 to help drive forward the outcomes of the 11th Commonwealth Youth Forum Declaration and Action Plan, (found here: ) over the next two years.
The CYC is the officially recognized voice of the 1.2 Billion young people of the Commonwealth. It is the largest and most diverse youth-led organization in the world. CYC plays an integral role in advancing the youth development agenda and co-ordination of activities and policies of the Commonwealth in the field of youth. The council works for and represents the voice of all young people within the 53 Commonwealth nations.
In an effort to effectively lead and manage the CYC to accomplish its mandate given at the 11th Commonwealth Youth Forum in London and with the powers of the CYC Constitution, the CYC Executive Leadership & Management Committee laucnhes the call for interested young people (18-29) to apply fo the following committees which is headed by each member of the Executive (description is below each):
This committee will focus on advocating and promoting effective collaboration and partnerships among relevant stakeholders. They will take the lead on setting the CYC’s budget, report and monitor the financial aspects of the CYC; and will lead the resource mobilization/fundraising efforts on behalf of the Council. The committee will support the Vice Chair to develop joint programmes/projects with partners and will coordinate, monitor and report on such initiative.
This committee is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership in planning, implementing and reviewing the CYC’s policy, advocacy and campaigning work. They will play a key role in representing the CYC, its work and policy positions to both internal and external audiences and in adapting and disseminating key messages for various written and online communications, media and fundraising purposes.
This committee is responsible for coordinating the CYC’s engagement with members and will coordinate all the CYC’s internal and external events. They will develop plans and strategies for the ongoing engagement of members with the council. They will work to ensure persons with disabilities, minorities and other excluded groups are included and mainstreamed in all decision making process and activities of the Council. This committee will support the Vice chair, who has lead responsibility for membership communication and will ensure timely and accurate information flow to the members - as the Vice chair will be the focal point for all members and affiliated observers.
4 - 7. REGIONAL COMMITTEES - Caribbean & Americas, Africa & Europe, Asia and Pacific
The Regional Committees will support each Regional Representative to coordinate the overall governance of the CYC in their respective regions; being the liaison between the CYC and the regions. The Regional Committee will be a committed advocate for young people in the Commonwealth and act as ‘ambassadors’ for the Council in the region and must be willing to support national youth councils/bodies. The committee will assist the Regional Representative to coordinate and promote the work of the council at the regional level.
This committee supports the overall governance of the CYC in the interest of the excluded, underrepresented groups. The committee shall be deliberate in its effort to strategise plans and initiatives to advocate for marginalized young people/groups in the Commonwealth. The committee will coordinate and promote the work of the council to these special groups.
This committee's primary role is to support the office of the Chairperson in ensuring that the council is effective and efficient in its tasks of setting and implementing its strategic plan and work priorities. To assist the Chairperson to ensure that there is effective governance and efficient management of the Council. The committee will support the Chairperson's strategic agenda of innovation and development, project management, effective governance and deliberate and disruptive international youth advocacy.
DEADLINE : August 17, 2018 Event Address: Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, London, UK Contact us at /…/1ecqXhiaEtXH-qrGyh1RNXL0mhKp…/edit