COVID-19 vigilance
Clinical trials of four vaccine candidates are showing remarkable promise, with three exceeding 90% efficacy, no safety concerns and one...
Clinical trials of four vaccine candidates are showing remarkable promise, with three exceeding 90% efficacy, no safety concerns and one...
Fox News acknowledged Trump’s loss. Facebook and Twitter cracked down on election lies. Mainstream social platforms have continued to...
people have the maximum flexibility and time to consider and cast their vote. Ideas like automatic voter registration, standardized voter...
If you must Zoom, get the technical glitches out of the way early. Then, think about how to make the conversation flow. Set up a question...
Meeting the needs of all within the means of the planet, the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries is a playfully serious approach...
City councils are on the frontline of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. 33% of the West Midlands residents said that...
Whatever size of community they represent, urban leaders are under pressure to deliver the same results – better health, efficient...
Collaborating across municipal borders can raise ambition and accelerate action. Read more ... Identify and fill data gaps. Climate...
Climate action and adaption champion Angelique Pouponneau A Commonwealth Youth Council veteran, Angelique Pouponneu is a lawyer...
In a ‘15-minute city’, everyone is able to meet most, if not all, of their needs within a short walk or bike ride from their home. It...
Worried about the state of democracy in the US? Care about preserving our democracy in Canada? Register for a free online conversation...
Session 1 Youth Engagement - From 1:00 - 1:50 EST, Prof. Valerie-Anne Maheo, Université de Laval and Aaron Myran, Future Majority....
There are many proximate reasons for these forest fires—fireworks, campfires, a stray spark—but there is one large cause that is...
DiResta tests out OpenAI’s GPT-3 language generator—which recently penned several drafts that were edited together into an op-ed by The...
Webinar Series: Youth - Taking Charge of our Future Rule of Law - during COVID-19 Blue Charter - collaboration ... Previous events
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven particularly conducive for those intent on discerning an insidious plot behind both the emergence of the...
The year's Social Progress Index provides a comprehensive country by country ranking of social progress over the last 10 years, across...
Rethinking everything, almost two months after businesses in the UK started reopening, just 17% of office workers had made it back to the...
The pandemic has led to unprecedented border closures and travel restrictions. Experts say that’s helped the Citizenship or Residence By...
The Pandemic Depression.